How To Reconnect With God
In the Midst of Your Trials

How To Reconnect With God
In the Midst of Your Trials

Even if you’re secretly feeling doubtful that God even cares

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Get instant access to the complete kit ‘Power Tools for Prayer Time’ PLUS all 5 incredible BONUSES to help you cultivate your relationship with God through these difficult times! >>


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Power Tools for Prayer Time is a complete prayer guide and journal system that I have developed and refined for nearly 2 decades that WILL help you reconnect with God through meaningful, mindful, and effective prayers!

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PLUS: Add the 'Prayer & Fasting Guide and Journal' to your cart! (Prayer and Fasting Guide and Journal)ONLY $17: Available for a LIMITED time! Amplify your prayers by including a time of fasting. Plan your own DIY spiritual retreat for a day, a weekend, or whatever time you choose with this powerful Prayer & Fasting Guide. When we turn down the volume on our physical cravings, we can hear the Holy Spirit whisper to our hearts more clearly. The results are powerful and uplifting! This guide gives you an outline to spend high quality time in prayer plus plenty of space to jot down all the God-given thoughts that come to your mind during your time of fellowship with Jesus. Get it now for ONLY $17.

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Deep inside…
you know it.


You want to reconnect with God, but…

  • You wonder if God has truly abandoned or forgotten you. After everything you’ve done to live a righteous life and worship Him… WHY does it feel like He no longer cares? WHY has this terrible thing happened to you when the sinful world is still moving on?
  • Your harsh thoughts are louder than anything else. You keep beating yourself up with the most overwhelming thoughts that stop you from moving on.
  • You can’t forgive others or yourself. Even though you know you are supposed to do it, you still can’t get yourself to truly forgive and let go of your strong emotions…
  • You don’t have the energy you need to move on. Everyday is a mental battle of forcing yourself to get out and do things you know you should do.
  • You are not sure what the purpose of your life is anymore. And when you finally get up and work, you just can’t find joy in anything you do. Everything feels purposeless now…
  • ​Your testimony is getting weaker and weaker… And even worse, you are scared that what you have always believed isn’t true anymore…

You keep blaming your life events and others for this tragedy and your current situation, but the truth is that you KNOW deep inside that YOU CAN DO something about it.

Do you feel like…

No matter how hard you try to let go, you still can’t stop thinking about it…

No matter what you do, you don’t have a purpose anymore…

Although you keep telling yourself to just get over it, you end up crying it out even more…

You keep blaming your life events and others for this tragedy and your current situation, but the truth is that you KNOW deep inside that YOU CAN DO something about it.

Do you feel like…

No matter how hard you try to let go, you still can’t stop thinking about it…

No matter what you do, you don’t have a purpose anymore…

Although you keep telling yourself to just get over it, you end up crying it out even more…

Your anger seems to be what’s helping you the most right now but it will eventually convince you that there’s nothing you can do about it and about YOURSELF.

You will automatically give up.

And giving up doesn’t only mean losing your faith…It also means living each day with a crushing weight, heartache, pain, fear, sorrow, and guilt…

It will STOP YOU from living a fulfilling life, from living peacefully, or from overcoming your daily challenges.

It will STOP YOU from progressing to becoming who you are meant to be.

You know that…


you don’t need help, hiding away, and blaming yourself or others won’t help you at all. Just like refusing help and allowing yourself to sink into the depths of the ocean when your rescuer is right there with their hands held out…

You know that…


you don’t need help, hiding away, and blaming yourself or others won’t help you at all. Just like refusing help and allowing yourself to sink into the depths of the ocean when your rescuer is right there with their hands held out…


You KNOW your communication with God NEEDS TO BE RESTORED, but…

What Is The Cost Of Clinging To Your Burdens & Refusing To Properly Reach Out To God?


But right here on this page, I want to help you overcome what once broke me too by giving you a refined solution I’ve created over the years to help you get out of this dull, overwhelming stage, just like it helped me and is helping many others.

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Hello, I’m Liz!

I am a Christian author, speaker, podcast host, and resilience mentor who is passionate about helping God-seeking women overcome adversity, grow grit, and thrive in the purpose God created for them.

Oh, and did I mention that I’m a homeschooling mom of eight kids? And I love it!

But my life wasn’t always so bright…I vividly remember the one point when I was helplessly BROKEN.

And it wasn’t from the eight that I had, but from the one I lost...

After my son's premature death, I spiraled into a suffocating depression and relentless anxiety I couldn't escape.

Even worse, my relationship with God was on shaky ground.

Truthfully, I was angry that he took my baby from me when I was trying so hard to live the life I thought he wanted for me. I felt betrayed that he had seemingly abandoned me when I needed him most.

I knew God held the answers to everything I needed and wanted, but connecting with him in real and meaningful ways just seemed out of reach for me. Until, finally! God showed me the key.

He SAVED me.

So I’m determined to encourage others to also find out that they are NOT alone, that they can grow from the worst storms of their lives too, and that grace CAN save them - just like it did to me.

I learned that the first step to healing and overcoming adversity is connecting with God.

What would it mean for you to be able to pray and truly feel Him actively listening and communicating with you; feel the peace and warmth in your heart; have a clearer mind and focus; feel capable of anything, have the right energy and mood for your day; and know who you really are and what God wants you to do.

IMAGINE yourself feeling joyful, reenergized, hopeful, and optimistic.

And no longer struggling with…



Depressing thoughts that weigh you down, leaving you hopeless and drained of joy



Forgiveness and guilt that constantly remind you how it all happened and how your life has changed.



Lack of energy and identity that keeps you from enjoying every second of your life and time with your loved ones that are still around you.

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What if you could…

Feel that meaningful connection and love with the God who created you, redeemed you, knows you better than anyone and loves you without condition or exception?

That love that you so desperately NEED and WANT but haven’t felt in a while…

What if you could…

Feel inspired and empowered to move on as you communicate with God and discover your purpose in life to live a more fulfilling joyful life full of promising goodness.

What if you could…

Feel that meaningful connection and love with the God who created you, redeemed you, knows you better than anyone and loves you without condition or exception?

That love that you so desperately NEED and WANT but haven’t felt in a while…

What if you could…

Feel inspired and empowered to move on as you communicate with God and discover your purpose in life to live a more fulfilling joyful life full of promising goodness.


The Great News Is... You Can!

And that’s why I want to introduce you to...

17 Way to Meaningful Prayer - full mockup.png

Power Tools for Prayer Time is a complete prayer guide and journal system that I have developed and refined for nearly 2 decades that WILL help you reconnect with God through meaningful, mindful, and effective prayers!

Even if you don't know how to pray, have never prayed before, haven't prayed in a long time, think you don't have time to pray daily, and don't know where to start.


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Part ebook on prayer, part prayer journal - this beautifully-designed, Biblically-based, and user-friendly guide will lead you step-by-step on a personal journey toward greater fulfillment in your relationship with God.

Power Tools For Prayer Time

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Short easy-to-digest lessons on the 15 aspects of meaningful prayer!

Feel closer to God as you deepen your communication with Him by implementing these prayer pieces into your daily prayers as you need.

  • How to make this guide your own
  • How to assemble your prayer notebook
  • And more!

15 Meaningful Prayer Components

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Beautiful pages in various layouts to record your prayer requests for yourself and others along with the way God chooses to answer them!

Document Your Prayer Requests


Plus Praise Report Record:

If you don’t write down what God has done, you run the risk of forgetting! Record all the ways you see God at work in your life, family, community, and world.

Praise Report Record

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Gratitude is the mother of joy! Expressing your thankfulness for God's rich blessings in your life is a key part of enjoying greater optimism and contentment in life.

Gathering Gratitude Pages



for when you're ready to move deeper into your prayer time, or if you get bored easily praying the same outline each day. These prayer prompts guide you through a different focus each day of the week

Weekly Prayer Prompts

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Need even more variety? I've got you! These guides have a different topic or verse to pray for every day of the month to help you stay focused and engaged. Never get bored or fall asleep during prayer again!

Monthly Prayer Prompts

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The most powerful thing you can do for your marriage is to PRAY! This prayer supplement gives you a fresh Scripture-based prayer for your spouse and relationship for every day of the month.

Praying For Your Spouse And Marriage

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Parenting can be overwhelming, even when you don’t homeschool 8 kids! Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. Seek God’s wisdom, grace, and help with this daily prayer guide. There’s a new prayer for each day of the month.

Praying For Your Children and Parenting



Never run out of things to pray again! Not sure what to pray? No worries! These additional scriptures are written out for you to guide you through each section of prayer. You can never go wrong praying God's own words back to him.

Additional Scriptures


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You could enjoy your life more fully by simply following this prayer guide and journal that I’ve included to have more meaningful divine conversation AND brighter days!

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Do you LOVE bonuses?

Guess what? That's EXACTLY what you're GETTING…

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Bonus 1

Prayer Notebook Dividers

Beautifully designed, color-coded dividers to help you organize your own prayer notebook so you know just where to find everything right when you need it

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Bonus 2

Extra Journaling Pages

Additional blank pages to record your prayers, praises, and more all beautifully color-coded to go with each section of your prayer guide.

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Bonus 3

Bonus Prayers for Specific Occasions

Extra prayers for when you’re feeling anxiety, discouragement, sorrow and more! Plus, encouraging Scriptures to boost your faith.

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Bonus 4

Daily Declarations

To remind yourself every day who you are and how much God loves you.

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Bonus 5

Access to the exclusive Growing Godly Grit Community

Share your prayer requests, praises reports, a favorite scripture and more. Get support and encouragement from other like-minded Christian women. Join in the opportunity to pray for one another

Do you LOVE bonuses?

Guess what? That's EXACTLY what you're GETTING…


Bonus 1

Prayer Notebook Dividers

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Beautifully designed, color-coded dividers to help you organize your own prayer notebook so you know just where to find everything right when you need it

Bonus 2

Extra Journaling Pages

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Additional blank pages to record your prayers, praises, and more all beautifully color-coded to go with each section of your prayer guide.

Bonus 3

Bonus Prayers for Specific Occasions

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Extra prayers for when you’re feeling anxiety, discouragement, sorrow and more! Plus, encouraging Scriptures to boost your faith.

Bonus 4

Daily Declarations

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To remind yourself every day who you are and how much God loves you.

Bonus 5

Access to the exclusive Growing Godly Grit Community

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Share your prayer requests, praises reports, a favorite scripture and more. Get support and encouragement from other like-minded Christian women. Join in the opportunity to pray for one another

These tools will equip you with EVERYTHING you will ever need to rebuild your relationship with God without being part of a religion!!

17 Way to Meaningful Prayer - full mockup.png


  • Power Tools For Prayer Time
  • ​15 Meaningful Prayer Components
  • Weekly Prayer Prompts
  • Monthly Prayer Prompts
  • ​Supplemental Scriptures


  • Prayer Journal Dividers
  • Gratitude Journal
  • Access to the exclusive
  • ​Growing Godly Grit Community

Total Value = $247

Regular price = $97

Today's Price = $29


Praying meaningful, heartfelt, Biblically-based prayers have never been easier!

Plus, you get all future updates for the lifetime of this program with no extra fees to upgrade


Delivering You The Best Product AND showering you with our OUTSTANDING Customer Service, which is why I'm giving you my…



My promise to you:

If you don't feel that these prayer tools enable you to experience more meaningful communication with God, I will refund 100% of your money within 30 days of your purchase.

More than anything, I want you to have consistent, fulfilling communication with God. This is the first and most important step in overcoming your trial, trauma, or tragedy so that you can be free to live the victorious life for which you've been created.

If you follow my proven system, the system will work for you, too!

Here are some real results, from real people who’ve used these tools to enhance their own prayer time!

“I really like Elizabeth’s prayer guide. When life gets chaotic and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, it is nice to have something so orderly that is soaked in God’s Word to help me get back to what matters most. Both the content and the layout just spark joy with my more orderly side and help me to find a place to begin when I know I need to pray but feel too stuck to know where to start. In an age when many women long to be empowered and do something that really matters, I can think of no higher calling than prayer and Elizabeth has made that goal more attainable through her resources.

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“I really like Elizabeth’s prayer guide. When life gets chaotic and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, it is nice to have something so orderly that is soaked in God’s Word to help me get back to what matters most. Both the content and the layout just spark joy with my more orderly side and help me to find a place to begin when I know I need to pray but feel too stuck to know where to start. In an age when many women long to be empowered and do something that really matters, I can think of no higher calling than prayer and Elizabeth has made that goal more attainable through her resources.

If you could turn your prayers and days in a way that life becomes something you want to be part of every second of it, what would that mean to you??

The Power Tools for Prayer Time can save you from your darkest thoughts and feelings of hate towards yourself or anger towards God.

And though I could easily charge more considering the years worth of work I have invested in Biblical studies, and research, plus the trial and error I have put into this passion project, I'm going to make it a no-brainer decision for you today...

17 Way to Meaningful Prayer - full mockup.png


  • Power Tools For Prayer Time
  • 15 Meaningful Prayer Components
  • Weekly Prayer Prompts
  • Monthly Prayer Prompts
  • ​Supplemental Scriptures


  • Prayer Journal Dividers
  • Gratitude Journal
  • Access to the exclusive
  • ​Growing Godly Grit Community

Still not sure this is right for you?

I’ve got you! Check below for answers to your questions:

Question 1: How will a prayer guide and journal help me find joy?

Praying and journaling by themselves won’t help you find joy, but reconnecting with God will. These tools that I’m offering are special because they are a unique set of tools that are easy to follow so you can reconnect with God who will help you find joy!

Question 1: How will a prayer guide and journal help me find joy?

Praying and journaling by themselves won’t help you find joy, but reconnecting with God will. These tools that I’m offering are special because they are a unique set of tools that are easy to follow so you can reconnect with God who will help you find joy!

Question 2: What if I’m a Christian but don’t pertain to a specific church organization?

This guide is based on the Bible, not on any particular Christian denomination doctrine. If you follow Jesus or just want to check it out, this is for you!

Question 2: What if I’m a Christian but don’t pertain to a specific church organization?

This guide is based on the Bible, not on any particular Christian denomination doctrine. If you follow Jesus or just want to check it out, this is for you!

Question 3: I already pray regularly. How will this help me?

I'm glad you asked! These prayer tools are great for anyone no matter where you are in your relationship with Christ. Even if you've prayed regularly for years you will be invigorated by the additional tools and prayer prompts included in this comprehensive package.

Question 3: I already pray regularly. How will this help me?

I'm glad you asked! These prayer tools are great for anyone no matter where you are in your relationship with Christ. Even if you've prayed regularly for years you will be invigorated by the additional tools and prayer prompts included in this comprehensive package.

Question 4: What if I’ve tried praying and journaling before?

It took me years of consistency and perseverance to create these tools so when you try, you can find almost immediate results without failing if you follow the steps!

Question 4: What if I’ve tried praying and journaling before?

It took me years of consistency and perseverance to create these tools so when you try, you can find almost immediate results without failing if you follow the steps!

Final Question: Which would you rather do?

A.) Hold on to $29 (which will likely get spent of starbucks, unnecessary junk OR something you don't need in just a single day)


B.) Find peace through reconnection with God, that will help you feel happiness again and fulfill your higher-purpose mission in this divine gift you were given: LIFE!

Final Question: Which would you rather do?

A.) Hold on to $37 (which will likely get spent of starbucks, unnecessary junk OR something you don't need in just a single day)


B.) Find peace through reconnection with God, that will help you feel happiness again and fulfill your higher-purpose mission in this divine gift you were given: LIFE!

If you answered "B" above, then it is time to take action!

If you are ready to level-up your communication with God (no matter where you are starting from),

The Power Tools for Prayer Time is PERFECT for YOU!

Let me sum it up for you One Last Time...


17 Way to Meaningful Prayer - full mockup.png


  • Power Tools For Prayer Time
  • 15 Meaningful Prayer Components
  • Weekly Prayer Prompts
  • Monthly Prayer Prompts
  • ​Supplemental Scriptures


  • Prayer Journal Dividers
  • Gratitude Journal
  • Access to the exclusive
  • ​Growing Godly Grit Community

Delivering You The Best Product AND showering you with our OUTSTANDING Customer Service, which is why I'm giving you my…



My promise to you:

If you don't feel that these prayer tools enable you to experience more meaningful communication with God, I will refund 100% of your money within 30 days of your purchase.

More than anything, I want you to have consistent, fulfilling communication with God. This is the first and most important step in overcoming your trial, trauma, or tragedy so that you can be free to live the victorious life for which you've been created.

If you follow my proven system, the system will work for you, too!

My promise to you:

If you don't feel that these prayer tools enable you to experience more meaningful communication with God, I will refund 100% of your money within 30 days of your purchase.

More than anything, I want you to have consistent, fulfilling communication with God. This is the first and most important step in overcoming your trial, trauma, or tragedy so that you can be free to live the victorious life for which you've been created.

If you follow my proven system, the system will work for you, too!

© 2023 Liz Meyers - All rights reserved

© 2022 Company Name - All rights reserved